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Writer's pictureMonika Mittal


Updated: Oct 16, 2022

One fine evening, as I entered the society park for my daily evening walk, I saw a sight that pained me as a mother and as a doctor. A few children had surrounded my neighbour’s kid Golu, who had fallen down while playing and running . They were shouting “Motu, motu, motu…” and were making fun of Golu, who had gained significant weight in the last few months. As I approached Golu and his group of friends, I saw that he had been hurt. I made Golu sit on a bench, got my dressing kit from home and covered his wound. He had stopped crying now but a few tears were still rolling down his cheeks as he watched his friends continue their game. There was a wound on the inside too. Meanwhile, Golu’s mother Meena came to the park as she got to know that Golu is injured. She saw me sitting with Golu and came rushing towards us. “Oh Golu! You got hurt? Don’t cry, my boy” said Meena. But Golu was inconsolable. I told Golu to go home and rest. I also told him that I would visit the next day to see him and that we would all sit together and talk. As Meena and Golu left, Meena thanked me for my help and concern. The next evening, I visited Golu. His wound was better and I cleaned and dressed it. Meena served tea and sat with us. She said to me “Doctor, I feel sad when my Golu is sad. Children tease him because of his weight and he remains quiet nowadays. This week he also got poor marks in one class test. Why could this be happening to my bright child Golu? You are a doctor and mother of grown up boys and I was hoping you can help us.” I could sense great emotional pain in them. I asked a few questions about Golu’s routine briefly and found a few reasons for Golu’s problem. Particularly, I noticed that Golu was getting up at 9 am, sitting directly for online lectures without eating his breakfast. I offered him help and told Golu and Meena to visit my place every morning for 10-15 minutes for at least a month. I also suggested that he get up a little earlier everyday, have his breakfast and then come to visit me. Even though Golu was regular in coming to my place and enjoyed his visits, Meena could not come regularly due to the sudden ill health of her mother-in-law. A month later, Golu got lovely marks in his class test. Seeing this, Meena came to visit my house and was in disbelief. She asked, “This is Golu’s best performance till now and he has lost 3 kg weight as well. What have you done?” I instantly felt happy and told her it was a result of some simple tricks! “On some days, I gave him something to draw with new pencils and colours and also asked him about his homework and appreciated him for it. I also made him tell some of his stories from the day and talked about joyful family outdoor visits. All these conversations diverted his attention from his worries and teasing and Golu started having fun. Apart from these conversations, I also taught Golu the benefits of healthy eating and healthy food choices. He is now aware how a good breakfast can keep him energised for the day and now it is his favourite meal of the day!” “Yes!” said Meena, “I have noticed that he has also become more aware of what he eats and so he has reduced eating junk food like noodles, burgers, pizzas and biscuits during snack time.” Meena was grateful to see these changes in Golu and Golu was happy with himself too!

One should always try to start their day with a good breakfast and practice mindful eating throughout the day. Eating 3 balanced meals in the day with some healthy snacks in between also keeps us away from untimely junk food and hence away from unwanted calories.

The simple trick of implementing some changes in morning habits, appreciating good things and motivating caused miracles in Golu’s life. The changes were simple, easy to adopt and had the best outcomes! YOU CAN ALSO DO IT.

Stay Healthy!

Mentor and Mom

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